Middletown Town Council

Property Tax Reform

Resident Affordability

Keep Middletown Clean

About Me

I humbly ask for your vote as I run for my fifth term on Middletown Town Council. I am a lifelong Middletown resident and my family has been in this town for five generations.

As a Town Councilor, I have had the opportunity to work on issues I am passionate about, but more importantly, issues that are important to Middletown residents. I am not on the council to further my own interests - I am there to represent you, the voter, in making our community a better place to live. I believe Middletown should be affordable for our families, aging seniors, and workforce to live and stay here. Too many people are being pushed out due to rising prices and taxes. My time on the council has shown that I am willing to ask questions about how things are done. Just because we have done things a certain way in the past does not mean we need to stay on that path. I work in technology – an ever-changing landscape that has evolved so much in my 35 years in the industry. I am used to learning the new ways of doing things and implementing them. Change isn’t scary – it’s the way of the future.

If you are looking for a Middletown that lives and works in the 21st Century – vote for me. If you are looking for a Middletown that is forward thinking and affordable – vote for me. If you are looking for a Middletown that values the voice of its residents over personal agendas – vote for me.

Thank you and please reach out to me with any questions.

My Platform

Property Tax Reform

Our property taxes are out of control. The Town Council voted 6-1 (I was the one dissenting vote) to impose a tiered tax system between residents and nonresidents. As a result, long-term rental properties are experiencing astronomical tax increases that get passed on to renters. I want to fix this two-tiered property tax that is driving up the cost of living in our community.

Term Limits

Other members of the current Town Council voted against putting term limits on the 2024 ballot for School Committee and Town Council. I say, let the voters decide instead of keeping their voices suppressed. Let’s put term limits on the ballot and let our residents decide instead of current councilors hoarding power.

Resident Affordability

Residents are being pushed out of our community because they cannot afford to live here. When taxes go up for landlords, those get passed on to renters. We need less politics and drama and more common sense. Just because something is the way it has always been done, does not mean we need to keep doing it that way.


I graduated from Middletown High School and went to URI. I will fight for the education of our students, because they are the future. That’s why I helped lead the way to bring proven education programs to our schools - including the governor’s Learn365RI program and the Beyond the Bell Program, which have already have very positive impact for our students.

Keep Middletown Clean

Second Beach is the crown jewel of our community; our drinking water comes directly from our local reservoirs. Our waters share the same watershed, which is why it is critical to keep them clean. I will continue my work with the Town and Middletown Public Works to “Keep Little Rhody Litter Free” as when I proposed the Middletown Litter Ordinance in 2017 and will continue to share the joy and message of Woodsy Owl. Remember, “Give a Hoot – Don’t Pollute!”



I helped establish the Learn365RI Program in our schools to educate our students to be well rounded and gain skills for their daily and future lives. Also, the Beyond the Bell program I helped to bring to our schools provides after school tutoring and activities. Dozens of Middletown students have graduated high school who wouldn’t have otherwise because of this program.

Community Wellness

Founder of the Middletown Outreach Department whose mission is “To support the efforts and meet the needs of all community members by delivering enrichment, guidance, and wellness opportunities.” Since 2018 I have been the Chair of the Middletown Outreach Committee, which is helping to connect residents with local services and meet community needs.


In 2017, I proposed the first-ever Litter Ordinance in Middletown to protect our drinking water and keep our town litter-free. I have been on the advisory board Governor McKee’s statewide “Keep Little Rhody Litter Free” campaign since 2023. The Town has implemented the #MiddletownClean campaign to encourage Middletown residents to clean up after themselves, carry-in carry-out at the beach, and pick up litter them come across. I have been a strong proponent of bringing the “Give a Hoot – Don’t Pollute” message of Woodsy Owl to our state, with the hope that our clean streets and beaches will translate to clean coastal and drinking water.


For six years, I was the Chairman of the Affordable Housing Committee. There was no committee or development going on for years prior to me being elected in 2016. Since 2016, we now have over 350 affordable housing units proposed or underway and more to housing to come.

  • Dennis’ personal business expertise and success, leadership, and his fiscal stewardship provide him with the tools needed to represent our community.

    Jennifer O’Hora Lawrence

Contact Me

Dennis Turano


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